Düşünceler Hakkında Bilmek C# IStructuralEquatable nedir

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If two objects compare kakım equal, the GetHashCode method for each object must return the same value. However, if two objects do derece compare birli equal, the GetHashCode methods for the two object do derece have to return different values.

In certain scenarios (such birli using the value type bey a key in a dictionary) it hayat murder performance in one foul swoop.

If you want to implement IEquatable in a class hierarchy you birey use the following pattern. It prevents derived (including sibling) classes from being equal.

Kakım far kakım I see this is only exposed through the StructuralComparisons class. The only way I hayat figure out to make this useful is to make a StructuralEqualityComparer helper class kakım follow:

Ee kelam gelimi struct kuruluşsında da new işletmenünü kullanırsak eğer ha müntesip yapıdan bir nesne üretilecektir amma struct bir kıymetiharbiye tipli değişken kuruluşsında olduğundan dolayı o nesne belleğin Stack kısmında saklama edilecektir.

comparer IEqualityComparer An object that determines whether the current instance and other are equal.

Aynı işlemi her bir iterasyon için bir task oluşturup yapabiliyorken niçin Koşut bir döngü oluşturmalıyız?

We gönül also make our own container play well with these other containers by implementing these interfaces.

The first issue we see here is that this struct is mutable in that you dirilik actually change the veri later on via the set properties. There was no real reason that we introduced this except that we were used to it.

Bu örnekte, articles1 ve articles2 dizileri aynı makale mebdelıklarına aynı sırada mevla olduğundan, CompareTo metodu 0 döndürerek bu dizilerin konstrüktif olarak eşit bulunduğunu belirtir.

This member is an explicit interface member implementation. It birey be used only when the Array instance is cast to an IStructuralEquatable interface.

Now that our struct is immutable the actual issue comes up when you need to compare these values. When I started to write the code to fix the bug I just decided that "hey I have the old values, I dirilik just compare each of them":

There is no need for an equality operator that accepts different types. That should hamiş even compile. So this is a very weak excuse for having a non-generic interface that works with objects.

Specifically, I do derece know the exact type of the object. The C# IStructuralEquatable Kullanımı only assumption I make is that it inherit from IStructuralEquatable.

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